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BMI Leisure is Fiscally Compliant in France

Door Jonas Embrechts04 sep. 2024

We’re excited to announce that our all-in-one software solution for enter­tainment businesses is now fully certified and compliant with France’s NF525 regulation. This means your business can confi­dently operate in the French market with our reliable, innovative solutions.

What NF525 Compliance Means for Your Business

France has some of the most stringent fiscal regula­tions in Europe, parti­cu­larly for businesses that handle large volumes of trans­ac­tions, such as enter­tainment centers.

NF525 certi­fi­cation is crucial for businesses in France, ensuring that POS systems meet strict standards for Inalter­a­bility, Security, Conser­vation, and Archiving (ISCA). This certi­fi­cation helps prevent VAT fraud and ensures that your financial records are secure, accurate, and ready for audits.

The Benefits for Your Business

By using our fiscally compliant software, your business can operate with confi­dence, knowing that all sales and financial records are handled according to the highest standards of integrity and transpa­rency. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Guaranteed Compliance: Our software meets all French fiscal requi­re­ments, protecting you from potential fines and legal issues.
  • Data Security: We secure all trans­ac­tions, ensuring data integrity and protection against unautho­rized access.
  • Prepared for audits: Compliance improves your processes and ensures your business is always audit-ready.

Why This Matters

Using non-compliant software in France can result in severe penalties, including fines and legal conse­quences. Our NF525-certified solution elimi­nates these risks, allowing you to focus on delivering great experiences to your customers.

Stay Ahead with BMI Leisure

We’re committed to keeping you ahead of the curve by providing the best solutions that meet the highest standards. If you have questions or you’d like to learn more about how our software can help your business, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you succeed.

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